As a teenager, your kid faces a million choices and obstacles: zits, alcohol, sex, vaping, obesity, gaming, social media, friends, and so many more. Does the thought of them navigating these issues on their own terrify you? Do you feel overwhelmed yourself and at a loss as to where to start the conversation?
Let's stand with them.
Let's prepare for all of it.
Let's have The Talk
The Talk is a casual seminar for parents of adolescents and their teenagers to attend together. It is frequently held in a private home, a church, or event center. The TALK is given by Dr. Alyson Denson, a board certified pediatrician and mother of four Young adult children. She combines both her professional and home experience to give clear explanations and practical and realistic tips for thriving in this turbulent phase of development.
The Talk is divided into three separate sessions with discussion assignments given to parents and their kids during the breaks.
The first session takes a unique look at the health of a teenager from a Pediatrician mom’s perspective. This program covers physical, mental, and spiritual health with easy and detailed daily applications. Practical tips will be given on everything from anxiety to stinky feet.
Parents and Teens
The second session is dedicated to establishing the scripturally-defined role of the parent. Attention is given to the areas of clarifying expectations, arguing techniques, establishment and conveyance of rules, and appropriate consequences for a teenager.
Puberty and Sexuality
The final session is a straightforward look at puberty and sexuality. The questions that need to be asked, and the answers some are too afraid to give, will be covered. There will be an in depth focus on medical explanations for physiologic changes and processes, coupled with a Biblical perspective on sex.
"“The Talk” should be a requirement to enter into puberty! It is an amazing opportunity for young teens and parents to learn facts about rarely discussed issues. Dr. Alyson Denson presents these topics with a professional, yet warm tone from a Medical & Biblical point of view. Her passion to help families is very evident!"
Tonya Byrd,
Children’s Minister
"I attended “The Talk” with my 11 year old son. Dr. Denson did a phenomenal job making everything relevant and easy to understand for all ages in the room. She covered all the bases and even made the uncomfortable topics comfortable. Her presentation was very thorough and I love how she organized the morning. I am so glad we attended “The Talk”. Thank you, Dr. Denson!"
Leah Poe, 3rd Grade Teacher
"“The Talk” should be a requirement to enter into puberty! It is an amazing opportunity for young teens and parents to learn facts about rarely discussed issues. Dr. Alyson Denson presents these topics with a professional, yet warm tone from a Medical & Biblical point of view. Her passion to help families is very evident!"
Tonya Byrd, Children’s Minister
"We have brought 3 of our 4 young humans to hear ‘The Talk’. First my boys and most recently my daughter. ‘The Talk’ helped us to dive into some uncomfortable subjects. I love Dr. Denson's heart to help parents walk their children through changes as they grow. I am most thankful for her bringing instruction and counsel through a biblical world view. Truth that is solidly founded on the unchanging Word of God that is not moved by culture. Everything from practical cleanliness to guarding the heart!"
Holly Christian Bates, mother

"The Talk" which Alyson presented was very informative and age appropriate but most importantly from a Biblical perspective. As a parent attending "The Talk", I felt empowered and it was refreshing for my daughter to hear this message from a Godly role model. I highly recommend.
Monica Davis, mother

"Alyson presents uncomfortable material in a very comfortable way! Mom & Dad, this is a "must attend" event for you and your pre-teen. Let Alyson do the "hard part" when it comes to talking with your child about sex and puberty. Her medical expertise coupled with her love for the Lord makes her the perfect presenter for this delicate subject matter. Don't let your child learn about sex and his/her body in the locker room, let him/her learn in a safe, educational, loving, non-threatening environment."
Melanie Jenkins, Mother

"I attended “The Talk” with my 11 year old son. Dr. Denson did a phenomenal job making everything relevant and easy to understand for all ages in the room. She covered all the bases and even made the uncomfortable topics comfortable. Her presentation was very thorough and I love how she organized the morning. I am so glad we attended “The Talk”. Thank you, Dr. Denson!"
Leah Poe, 3rd Grade Teacher
“Every mother of boys knows there’s a time in her son’s life around 11-13 when they need to learn about “the birds and the bees”. This has typically been left up to the fathers, and it’s usually short, sweet and not always entirely accurate. I love that Dr. Denson’s program, “The Talk”, takes the embarrassment out of an extremely important developmental stage in a young man’s life. Moms, dads and boys all feel comfortable while learning from a strong woman who is knowledgeable both medically and biblically. Dr. Denson takes her experiences as a doctor, mother and Christian woman, and breaks down an uncomfortable subject that is unparalleled to any parenting book you will find on the market today. Your sons will enjoy learning about their bodies and you may even learn something too!”
Courtney Burnett, mother

Alyson is a gifted communicator who is able to relate well to both teens and their parents on very important and timely topics. If you are a parent with a preteen, I highly recommend this class!
Tammy waters, mother
“As the mother of 2 boys this was so beneficial for me learning about the development of boys. My oldest son I didn’t sit in on the talk, but the second son I did. Wow! Is all I can say. It sure would have saved me a lot of phone calls to the doctor’s office if I had of listened. Alyson was great at talking to the boys. I highly recommend for kids and parents to go to one of her talks.“
Angela Legrand, mother
testimonials & Photos
Bachelor of Arts in Biology- Baylor University, Waco, TX
Doctorate of Medicine- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
Pediatric Internship and Residency- Arkansas Children's Hospital, Little Rock, AR
American Board of Pediatrics Certification 2001-current
Texas Medical License
Arkansas Medical License
Dr. Denson has practiced pediatric medicine for over 20 years. After residency, she cared for children in east Texas in a hospital and private clinic setting for 8 years. She then had the privilege of working at a UAMS clinic, from 2010-2018 as a physician and assistant professor of Pediatrics.

Dr. Denson has enjoyed public speaking throughout her medical career. She has spoken on many topics and to many ages. Her subject material has included basic hygiene, first aid, cycles of abuse, teen abstinence and HIV prevention, sex education, pre-natal health and development, parenting, and adolescent health. Her experience at the state of Arkansas’ premier children’s hospital provided her the unique opportunity to learn from and assist children and parents in some of life’s most challenging situations. Many of her parenting tips come from seeing what works, and what doesn’t, in all types of families.
Dr. Denson has been married to an amazing man, Wayne, for over twenty-six years. Their family started early with the arrival of their son Chase, now 24, who was born while she was a third year medical student, and Brett, now 21, who was born during her residency. The rest of the kids joined a little later.
Dr. Denson is honored to serve God in caring for children, in other countries through medical missions. She has served in Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico many times. In 2010, Alyson felt called to go to Haiti after the earthquake in January. She worked with orphans and children with amputations for about a month and became convicted that her family should increase through adoption. God took the family on a surprising journey that ended in St. Petersburg, Russia where LeAnna, now 23, and Alex, now 19, became members of the family in March of 2011.
Alyson, now the mother of four, has also served her community through numerous church and volunteer positions. Alyson became a Christian as a young child and is blessed with an ever growing relationship with Christ. Most recently, Alyson traveled to Africa and worked in Nkhoma Mission Hospital in Malawi for 3 months. Additionally, she and Wayne just moved to Austin, Texas. She is now hoping to expand The TALK in this area. Her passion for pediatrics and motherhood finds a perfect union in her seminars.